
目前顯示的是 10月, 2012的文章

[日記] 2012.10.31 萬聖節 賀圖+賀文

骷髏傑克提著南瓜燈籠走出墓園。 碰到尾巴戴巫師帽的牛奶貓:「Trick or Treat?」 貓咪給他了一條小魚乾。 他嚼著小魚乾繼續走,碰到在理毛的狼人,給了他一根小腿骨。 他再搭上火車來到城市,用腿骨敲敲你家大門:「Trick or Treat?」 Skull Jack went out of the cemetery with Jack-O-Lantern. He met Milk Cat which is wearing a witch hat on the tail. "Trick ot Treat?", Milk Cat gave him a dried fish. Chewing the dried fish, he didn't stop walking until he met Grey Werewolf which is cleaning the hair. "Trick ot Treat?", Grey Werewolf gave him a leg bone. Then, he came to the city on the train and knocked your door with leg bone. "Trick or Treat?" #rae_log